Students across all grade levels painted paper that I cut and arranged on the walls. Kindergarteners painted paper for the landscape. 1st graders painted flowers. 2nd graders painted butterflies. 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders painted self portraits. “ART” above the classroom door and one pegasus were also painted by 5th graders.
The mural depicts the various musical instruments the students play in the music room and historical figures the learn about. The music notes coming from Louis Armstrong’s trumpet plays “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” throughout the mural.
Back Drop created for Iveland’s black history assembly. Music’s role in African American culture throughout time was the theme of the assembly.
4th and 5th grades students painted ceiling tiles. Students focused on using value and contrast in a monochromatic design with the ultimate goal of having the primary and secondary colors on the ceiling of the art room.
Back Drop created for Iveland’s black history assembly. History of the African American experience in America was the theme of the assembly.